Shine Pōhutukawa
Shine Pōhutukawa is part of Miss Nicky's 'I Love Matariki' Album and is out on Spotify. • Māori people believe that Pōhutukawa is the star associated with death. When the Matariki star cluster rises each year, we look to Pōhutukawa to remember our loved ones who have passed. Te Waka o Rangi is said to take the spirits of our loved ones to sky where they become stars, whetū. This waiata was created around a special lullaby that Rawiri Hemi, Miss Nicky's Pāpā would sing to her as a child. 'E Moe ra' is a Ngāti Koata waiata which was translated by the late Rangiruhia Elkington and permission was given by her daughter, Whāea Pirihira Paul, Ngā mihi. • The recording of this song was funded by NZonAir. I hope you enjoy this special song and remember your loved ones this Matariki. • #missnickysays #shinepohutukawa