Bhastrika Pranayam Malayalam Beginners ഭാസ്ട്രിക പ്രാണായാമം Immunity Booster Stress Reduction
Helpful for Reducing Mental Depression and Stress , Helps to make your Respiratory and Digestive System Strong and Also Boosts your Immunity Pranayama for Strenghtening your Immunity , Help to fight against Respiratory related Diseases, Strenghtens Digestive system. Great for energizing the body and mind. Since we maximize our lung capacity while doing it, the pranayama helps remove toxins and impurities.It helps in the sinus, bronchitis, and other respiratory issues. Improved awareness, perceptive power of senses.It is good for brain oxygenation.It benefits the nervous and the motor system. Good for people with depression and anxiety.It helps in treating fibrosis.Great for lungs and people who suffer from repetitive cough, flu, respiratory issues, allergies or breathlessness Helps strengthen immunity. Checks sleep apnea as well • • Covid19 virus specifically attacks our respiratory system. The one that helps in strengthening our Respiratory system the most is Pranayama, ie breathing exercise • Start the day with Kriyas below videos you can see • Yogic Kriyas Part - 1 • • How to look younger Face yoga/ മുഖ സൗ... • Yogic Kriya Part - 2 • • How to look younger Face yoga/ മുഖ സൗ... • Followed by Sukhmavyayam • • 20Minutes Full Body Workout /പൂർണ്ണ ശ... • and then followed by SuryaNamaskar linked attached • Surya Namaskar with Mantras an Breathing Patterns • • Surya Namaskaram with Mantras Breat... • Followed by Pranayam • • #DeepyogicOfficial #weightloss #Paranyama #Bastrikamalayalam #Stress #bhastrika malayalam#stressrelief pranayama malayalam #MentalDepression #Tension malyalam #pranayama for Beginners #meditation #healthy #yogalife #yogateacher #fit #yogaeverywhere #yogafit #yogainspiration #yogaaday #yoga #yogamom #yogagirl #yogalove #yogapants #yogafun #yogadaily #prilaga #instayoga #life #pose #yogajourney #motivation #yogapractice #yogapose #health #yogaeverydamnday #yogachallenge #yogaeveryday #yogagram #yogaaddict Yoga Malayalam #Health #healthandyoga #yogaandhealth#yoga malayalam#yogaandhealth malayalam #healthandyoga malayalam