NEOS FIRST TIME HEARING Cochlear Implant Activation Day
NEO'S FIRST TIME HEARING!!! Cochlear Implant Activation Day!! • Today is Neo's BIG DAY!!! He got cochlear implant surgery 3 weeks ago because his hearing aids were not strong enough to provide him with proper hearing and today is his cochlear implant activation day. Baby Neo was born Deaf with severe to profound hearing loss, and hasn't heard anything his whole life. Today is a very special day because it is his hearing birthday, it also happens to be world hearing day which makes this extra special. We are excited to embark on his new hearing journey, we look forward to starting his speech therapy and continuing to learn ASL, because he will always be part of the Deaf Community. • GO TO CHAMILY.COM FOR MERCH!!! • Use Discount Code CHAMILY20 for 20% off all items! • WATCH MORE VIDEOS: • FAMILY VLOGS► • • CHALLENGES ► • • EUROPE TRAVELS►