Magnum Opus How to Find Your Purpose in Life
Instead of wasting time on instagram, why not spend some time expanding your mind at They make learning fun and easy. • If you're interesting in hiring us to create an animation for your company, please visit for details! • Magnum opus is a latin term that is defined as someone’s greatest life achievement. It is the highest intersection of talent, skill and hard work, when someone reaches their maximum potential at the exact right time in the exact right place. • Everyone has a massive amount of potential, whether it be an invention, a painting, a song, a journey, a book, an idea, you name it, but very few actually get to flourish and reach for that potential. When you’re a young child, you hold the belief that anything is possible, no dream is too what happens between childhood and adulthood that crushes so many dreams? Why do so many settle? Is it the school system? Is it “realistic” expectations? Financial fear? Practicality? A lack of belief? • The reason people don’t attempt their magnum opus is because of doubt. Doubt is the ultimate crippler of ambition. In order to believe in yourself, you must have evidence to support this belief. It’s like a table. Your belief is the table-top and the legs are experiences and evidence that support the belief. Doubt is like a woodpecker, that chips away at the legs of the table. When enough doubt creeps into your mind, the table comes crashing down and you no longer believe in yourself. The key is to reverse this process. Move toward beliefs that empower you, then find role models, experiences, stories and evidence to support the new empowering belief. Most importantly, do not listen to the doubters. Doubters are cynical people who have never attempted what you’re setting out to do. Buddha said, “we are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” Achieving your goal starts with the mental belief that it can be done. Attitude is far more important than IQ. • It may seem scary and unfamiliar, for the path to your magnum opus is never easy. You will have to be willing to take risks, sacrifice, and to go the extra mile. At the end of this short life, you want to look back and say, i gave it my all. I took a shot, and left it all on the line. • This simple exercise can help you focus your energy and home in on your magnum opus journey. Write down things you love to do, things you’re good at and things people will pay you to do. The intersection of these 3 categories is your “sweet spot”. Perhaps you can combine things from all 3 categories. The key to reaching your magnum opus is to find your sweet spot and take action. • For more interesting animations, please subscribe! (And hit the notifications bell to ensure you will see future videos)