Channelled Message EMPATH STARSEED spirit MESSAGE March 12 2020


A Channelled Message for the EMPATH and STARSEED ! A spirit MESSAGE ! Posted on March 12 2020 ! This message is for lightworkers, empaths and Starseeds. #channelledmessage2020 #empathstarseed #spiritmessage • 💜Subscribe to our website newsletter here : • 💜Tara's Website Link : • 💜Tara's link tree : • 💜IG -@channeling_st.germain__ • 💜 • 💜How to Channel and More Online Video Courses, Live Events, Artwork, Visit : • • 2024 Update: Tara is no longer booking private sessions. The Masterclass How to Trance Channel is now available as a pre-recorded Online Video Course here: • How does channeling work ? I am a Conscious/ Trance Channel Medium, which means I can be deep in trance and conscious at the same time. When I am doing this the right brain and left brain work together to translate light language into English. The spirit guide blends their energies with mine so they can use my voice box, hand movements, body etc to translate their messages. During each channeled message, the Ascended Masters bring through divine healing energies through my chakras to the viewer. It is always up to the viewer on a conscious / spiritual level what they wish to receive for healing. • YOU CAN CHANNEL ! Have you ever wondered if you can receive messages from The Ascended Masters? Well, the answer is yes, EVERYONE can ! Find out HOW in the How to Consciously Channel 75 minute online video course. Tara Arnold works with The Ascended Masters to guide you to develop the skills and confidence you need to get started ! This course will also enhance the intuitive abilities you already have, and is beneficial for beginners. As Tara teaches the course, The Ascended Masters channel through frequencies of divine love to the viewer. These frequencies activate the Third Eye and Crown Chakras so that you, the viewer, will have an increase of awareness and intuition following the course. Viewing by distance, or through a video, does not block the receiving of these frequencies. You have to option to continue with the Masterclass How to Trance Channel to pursue trance-channeling. • Who is Ascended Master St. Germain? • Ascended Master St. Germain is a Spiritual Alchemist and Chohan of the Seventh Ray... the violet ray that emanates Forgiveness, Freedom, Alchemy, Transmutation, Love and Compassion. Saint Germain has experienced a number of notable embodiments on planet earth. Some of these lifetimes included historical figures such as the prophet Samuel, Merlin, Saint Joseph, Christopher Columbus, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, and Count Saint -Germain. ( A 17th century European adventurer who was known as a great alchemist and philosopher ) Each lifetime built on St. Germain’s mastery and preparation for his current role as the hierarch and Spiritual leader of the Aquarian Age. Ascended Master St. Germain is working with many lightworkers at this time on planet earth. He transmutes fear based energies back to love using the violet flame as transmutation. • ​How does Tara work with St. Germain? • Tara Arnold consciously / trance channels messages and energy frequencies from St. Germain and other Ascended Masters. She channels the violet flame of transmutation and divine light frequencies from the Ascended Masters through her chakras to her audience. This transmutes fear back to love, releasing energy blocks that are preventing you from becoming your highest self. She is here at this time to channel messages of universal knowledge and love from St. Germain, assisting humanity in awakening to remember who they are as conscious beings. • Tara Arnold does not claim to heal or cure any disease or illness with any of her services. Tara Arnold's sessions are not a replacement for medical treatment.


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