Botanical Painting for everyone


Welcome to The Wonders of Watercolour. I'm Rae Campbell and every week I show you how to paint with watercolour, Inktense or Gouache. This week we are painting this Watercolour Leaf and it is suitable for beginners as well as more advanced painters. We have a learn to paint as you paint way of painting so that everyone can join in. We provide you with a free outline - details in the video. I have listed the materials used below - please use what you have and if you get stuck - let me know in the comments and I will help you: • Paper: Arches Rough Surface • Brushes: My own set from Craftamo • Paint: Dragon Fly Blue and Mirabelle from Deep Deep Light (quote DEEPDEEPRAE for 10% off all their watercolours) • Yellow Green • Hookers Green • from Mijello Mission Gold • Ceramic Palette - Etchr • Support me on Patreon: • PATREON SITE • If you enjoy this video and would like to learn more about BOTANICAL ART, then head over to our Patreon site where you will find in-depth tutorials as well as photo editing where I show you how I prepare photos for painting (depending on your tier level). If you are serious about learning how to paint bold, botanical paintings, even if you are a beginner, then why not treat yourself to joining us there - the tutorials are more in-depth and ad-free, plus it's a really good way to support my channel. We also have weekly videos - these could be vlog type videos, doodles etc. Please note that the tiers mentioned are subject to change but are correct at the time of filming: Here is the link • • SOCIAL MEDIA • You may want to consider joining our private Facebook Group where you can post your completed paintings from these tutorials, as well as have access to the free traceable line drawings and reference photographs that I use so that you can try them for yourselves. Here is the link • • *Disclaimer: Helen Campbell is a participant in the Rosemary Co, Deep Deep Light, Craftamo, Zen Art Supplies and Jacksons Art Affiliate Program (please note that all new Jacksons Art customers will receive 10% off their first order). Affiliate advertising programs are designed to provide a means for individuals to earn fees through the links above. The cost to you for these products is the same, but Helen earns a small commission. • All Music - Epidemic Sound


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