Operaciones con Fracciones y Mixtos TuProfeYouTube
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=yEe_yttpGMc
• Operaciones con Fracciones y Mixtos T... Operations with fractions and mixed numbers TuProfeYouTube In this video we will strengthen what we have seen in the former video , in regards all operations with fractions and mixed numbers . We will walk and extra mile here by using more widely the concept of the LCM operations combined with fractional numbers. • Let's see how operations are solved with fractions and operations with fractions and mixed with more than 3 terms , for which we have to convert the mixed numbers in fraction , this is going to facilitate the operation of the terms of the transaction . • Please see my channel, and suscribe like , see you soon . • TuProfeYouTube • • Operaciones con Fracciones y Mixtos T...