Chris Rosebrough Is He Fit to Be a Pastor
Used with permission from Blood Bought Ministries and we thank them. • Commentary from Blood Bought Ministries: • Chris Rosebrough is known for his channel on YouTube called Fighting for The Faith, it is a mixed bag of exposing error as well as acting out from the flesh. • Looking at what he posts on social media it seems like he posts what ever pops into his mind, he is quick to slander anyone that he does not like via means of name calling and even making a mockery of Jesus as can be seen in his Care Bear Jesus comment: • Now you may say that no one is perfect and rightly so! But there is a big difference between openly embracing sin and sinning in public vs being a Christian that struggles with sin but does not boast about it and always seeks forgiveness and to overcome their strongholds! • The biggest issue is that Chris Rosebrough is a pastor of a church! I cannot imagine this kind of behavior being allowed any other church! Any God fearing bible believing church would have disciplined a pastor at their church acting like this. • As a Christian we are to attack error with truth, we are to fight what we believe to be wrong or erroneous with truth and scripture! • Attacking people you don't agree with or you are upset with (because they pointed out error in your ministry or theology) by using slander, lies and making a mockery of how they talk or how God made them is not from the Holy Spirit! • Chris Rosebrough has shown time after that he is unfit for ministry, I don't know what happened to this man, but something is wrong! • Unlike many, I will not play God and say who is saved and who is not saved! God knows the heart! What I can see is that he needs to humble himself before the Lord and repent of his sinful and un-Christ like behavior. • What is more important, to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God or to please people and your own flesh? • He keeps bringing up issues that has nothing to do with his endorsement and him being ignorant of Doreen Virtues testimony. • He seems to be obsessed with Jacob Prasch and the metatron teaching, yet he will not ever accept the explanation given for using that teaching to reach Jews and point them to the Messiah, even when it makes perfect sense! Some people do not love the truth but they would rather lie and believe a lie so that they can themselves be deceived. • All this madness, slander and blatant lies just because Joshua Chavez asked one question! Does Justin Peters now believe in dreams and visions of Jesus? • How can a pastor allow his son to be part of his ministry knowing that his son is not right with Jesus? How can you pastor a church if you cannot even pastor and disciple your own Children? • This is how his son behaves • • It is one thing if the son of Chris was not part of any of Chris Rosebroughs ministries, but he is producer and director at pirate Christian media. • This should not be! • Chris know this, God is Holy! He demands us to be Holy! • Not to go around making memes about other Christians who are doing great work for Jesus! • You may hate Jacob all you want but you cannot deny that his ministry has helped many over the years! • Jacob has done many teachings over the hears to lift up the spirits of fellow Christians, to empower them to do the work of the Lord by the word of God, to encourage and strengthen those who are down and living in places where there are poverty and hardship! • Be careful Chris! God is not mocked! • All that is in the darkness will be brought to the light! • You knwo very well that Jacob is a born again Christian, yet you will not stop degrading him, trying to destroy his ministry and trying to discredit him! • I pray the Lord will rip you out from your position if you do not bow the knee before God and repent of your wicked ways! • ****************************************************************** • Moriel TV is active in the area of discernment withstanding the popular apostasy in the contemporary church that The Word of God warns would precede the return of Jesus. We remain firmly aligned to the conviction that contemporary events in The Middle East , Europe, and in the church make the present time in history different from other eras when people thought it was the last days. We affirm the belief that Jesus is coming again and prophecy of His return is radically being fulfilled increasingly.