How To Read Guitar Tabs Fast amp Easy
Learn how to read guitar tabs and start playing songs straight away. • Guitar tab (or tablature as it is known) is a very simple way of writing down music to be played on a stringed and fretted instrument. • This is a good thing for guitarists as there is no need to learn standard musical notation which can take a while to get, instead guitar tab offers a quick and easy way to be able to playing things on the instrument straight away. • It is also good for another reason... On the piano if you were to play a note, lets say 'C', the musical notation won't tell you where on the fretboard to play that C note, as sometimes there can be up to 4 different places to play it. Tablature on the other hand tells you exactly on what string and on what fret to play the note. • So get into it! Find out how to read guitar tabs now.