Can You Do A Candida Cleanse While Taking Antibiotics


Download my free candida report here • Greetings, Eric Bakker. Thank you for coming back. A question I get asked regularly from people, particularly people who take antibiotics, if they can do a candida cleanse at the same time as taking antibiotics. Well, it's a pretty silly thing, isn't it? Why would you wanna do that? Why would you wanna take something to eradicate candida? The antibiotics is wiping out stuff and allowing candida to thrive at the same time. It's a dumb idea. It's not gonna work. A lot of the times when I see people, I try and talk them out of antibiotics. I really have a pet hate for antibiotics. • Probably like I have a pet hate for other types of things in life. People that come around and hassle me about things at the door. People who try and convert me to different belief systems, whether they're dietary belief systems or religious belief systems. Those sort of people are like flies. They just annoy me. I just wanna swat them kind of thing.But, this candida cleanse while taking antibiotics concerns me. If you are on antibiotic, you need to finish the course and don't straightaway do a candida cleanse. Finish the course. Let the tummy on its own for 14 days. Did you hear me? 14 days. Two weeks. You leave the gut alone. Don't disturb it. Let it try and come back on its own balance. You've got trillions of bacteria in the gut. You've just come in there with flame throwers and bombs and guns and you've shot the hell out of everything. No point coming in the following day trying to redecorate everything. It doesn't work like that. Leave the bacteria alone. Give them some breathing space. Take a bit of time out and rest up, especially if you're feeling unwell, with loose bowels or vaginal thrush. • Allow your body to recover. Try and see antibiotics that you've taken like you've just had a really bad relationship with someone. Are you gonna jump straightaway the following day on Tinder? Probably not. You're probably gonna wait several weeks or months before you get a bit of emotional breathing space back. Now, think about the breathing space the bacteria need. They need a lot more than that.Ideally, you would leave the gut alone for a good two to three weeks, if not more. I'd say it's a 50/50. 50% of people I see recover reasonably well. The other 50% I see, they don't recover well at all. In that 50% that don't recover, there's a percentage that never recover. Even after seven days. It could take 10 years before they recover. Now, you may be one of those people watching now, so dang. • That guy really knows me. That's because I've seen so many people who've had their tummies trashed by antibiotics. I've got at least 10 patients I'm working with right now, follow up patients, because I'm not taking on any new cases anymore, at least 10 follow ups that have got a gut that's almost irreversibly damaged from antibiotics. Some of those cases, they only went on antibiotics for a week. In other cases, for a full 12 months.I've got one patient I keep talking about, Israel, my classic case, which I'm going to be doing a video with him conjoined to show you guys what can be done to repair the gut. He was on antibiotics for 12 months, and he's recovering now quite nicely. So, you can get someone who's in the fires of hell and pull them out of there. That can be possible. It depends on you as a person. • How strong you are and how much therapy you're willing to take. Wait, wait, wait. Those are probably the only three words I would have to say with this video. Just wait. Wait several weeks. See how the tummy goes. And then, start. But, if you're clever, antibiotics, serious problems thereafter, wait two or three weeks, do a stool test. Get a comprehensive stool analysis. Three samples, three concurrent days, and then fix it up. If you fix a small problem now, it's gonna save it being a huge problem down the track. Make sense? It does to me. Thanks for the question.


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