The Troutbitten Sucker Spawn
The Sucker Spawn is a go-to egg pattern for fly fishermen. With just a hook, yarn and thread, the Sucker Spawn catches trout all year long. But it's not just any yarn . . . • Companion article on Troutbitten: • You can get a trout’s attention with a host of different patterns. Bright beads, flashy materials, wiggly legs and sheer size all stand out in the drift, and trout take notice. But interest and curiosity do not necessarily lead trout into the net. In fact, many of the attention getting materials we attach to a hook simply turn trout off, giving them a reason not to eat the fly. • On the other hand, while drab and flat patterns have their moments, it often takes a little sparkle, a little color, flash or wiggle, to turn trout on. The trick then, is finding the right elements to seal the deal — a simple combination of materials that is just enough to convince a trout, but not too much either. Enter: the Sucker Spawn. • Visit for all things wild trout on a fly rod. • Music: • Tupelo Train, by Chris Haugen