Axminster Trade Harvey S12 review


This is a review about the Axminster Trade S-12 overhead blade guard. This is the same as the Harvey S-12 blade guard. • It is a full review about my first impressions, build quality, and performance. • The Axminster Trade S-12 / Harvey S-12 overhead blade guard is made for safety and for better dust extraction. In this review I compare the dust extraction against the original blade guard that came delivered with my Harvey table saw and with the dust extraction when not using any kind off blade guard. • You see me making these cuts so you get a good look on how good the Axminster trade and Harvey S-12 performs when we talk about dust extraction. • Who Am I? • My name is Dennis and I am from Hooked on Wood. Hooked on Wood is a small woodworking firm that makes woodworking projects from a hobby point off view. On Youtube I have my own channel •    / @hookedonwood   • On this channel I share some video's about reviews, projects and everything I think it is interesting to share with the woodworking community. • In the last couple of years I learnt a lot from You-tubers who made reviews and share there knowledge. I hope with sharing my experience I can help or inspire other viewers also. • Thanks you for watching • Hooked on Wood • Dennis


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