Mariana Fruit Dove


Hello, • This video was published as a complement to the 2019/2020 line design class with professor Jüergen Hefele, at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. • The sound of the Mariana Fruit Dove is heard as well as my illustration, an near to extinction specie. • For more information on the Mariana Fruit Dove: • The Mariana fruit dove is an endangered bird. A host of threats has caused the native population to shrink in recent years. Habitat loss and invasive species are the two largest threats to the rehabilitation of the fruit dove. • Culturally, the Mariana fruit dove is a very important symbol of the region. This species is the official bird of the Northern Marianas Islands. • A larger threat to the Mariana fruit dove has been the accidental introduction of the Brown tree snake to Guam during World War II. The snakes decimated the native bird populations of the island, which were unaccustomed to predators. They are extinct on Guam since 1984 and the Mariana fruit dove is highly endangered on other islands in its range. Several zoos have started captive breeding programs. • The St. Louis Zoo, in St. Louis, Missouri, has one of the most successful captive breeding programs. The program began in 1993. • • For more information about my work: • • • Photo by: • Dick Daniels - Wikipédia • • Thank you, Ana Xavier


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