Trixie reveals her true intentions to Starlight


Sometimes it’s as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Or more appropriate-- humans on a beach. And Nutty Nunzi has a 93.7% probability rate in getting humans to at least get a big smile when he comes prancing along. And most times they can’t resist a giggle or two. • But this human in the video had such robust wonderful laughter and easy sense of humor that our comedy routine was barely necessary. This woman just has such a jolly positive vibe to begin with. • Now Nunzi does have several standard comedy bits. One is that he just prances over to people he doesn’t know, lays down right next to them and snuggles. This gets at least some smiling and giggles. • A second one is to walk over and drop his ball next to someone. When the person goes to pick it up--he quickly snatches the ball away. He’ll drop it again, even closer to them--then smiles and dares them to try. They do and he snatches and they miss. He snatches and snatches until they give up. It’s a highly probable comedic inducer. • The third, of course, which is his standard one, is to start crazily digging super fast. Just about everyone finds this quite humorous and it’s a surefire laughter generator that my canine relishes performing. • I have a few standard comedy bits. One is to go over to whoever is petting Nunz and say something like “So here’s the Beach Dog rental you ordered”. I look down at my phone, act like I’m reading an app, and reiterate that the rate is $8.99 per hour with a 2 hour minimum. And they need to pay the deposit on the Beach Doggy app right now. • Sometimes I can say this with a straight face and the people believe me and protest “But we didn’t order a beach dog rental. Really!” Most don’t get duped, and just think it’s funny. • Another bit, which I used on this woman, is that I go to the person petting Nunzi and pretend that I’v thinking they’re obviously planning on stealing my dog. They’re dog-nappers and I’m on to them. Most folks say they’d gladly take this nice dog home with them. • But mostly we just improvise and have fun acting kinda goofy. And it’s hard for people to resist a nod to mirth and merriment when this super cute dog saunters over and is bursting forth with friendliness and smiles to everyone he comes across. Yeah, he’s naturally friendly funny nutty, and I easily get silly when I’m hanging with my Goodwill AmbassaDog. Fun for all, and all for one. • Nutty Nunzi Tall Tail Tales - © Gregory Mancuso •


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