Lithium Ion Capacitor DigInfo


DigInfo - • • JM Energy has developed a lithium-ion capacitor that features the world's peak storage capacity. In addition, this capacitor offers high operating voltage, high energy density, and it can easily and safely be charged and discharged. This lithium-ion capacitor is an appropriate storage device for a broad range of business applications. • • A capacitor is one type of storage device that charges and discharges instantaneously, and JM Energy's lithium-ion capacitor (LIC) is features an extensive charge/discharge longevity. LIC achieves approximately four times the energy density of previous electric double layer capacitors (EDLC) at 2.5V, and features a significantly greater voltage at 3.8V. Because of these highly efficient capacitors, JM Energy greatly increased its storage capacity and enhanced its compact design. This has contributed to a rapid improvement in the cost performance of a lithium-ion capacitor as a storage device. • • Even though lithium ion capacitors use lithium ions, since no chemical reaction takes place between the LIC's electrodes and electrolyte, safety tests have confirmed that thermorunaway does not occur. • • Safety tests have confirmed that even though lithium ion capacitors use lithium ions, thermo-runaway does not occur in the capacitor as there are no chemical reaction that takes place between the LIC's electrodes and electrolyte. • • JM Energy's lithium-ion capacitor is a dream-come-true storage device that opens the way to the fusion of economy with ecology.


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