Wandering around in Americas LARGEST KOREATOWN
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=yMcTZffeeVQ
ANOTHER ASIAN TOWN IN LOS ANGELES!?!?!?? • There are several Koreatowns in the world, but in the US there's only one, and it's located close to Downtown, Los Angeles. Although I never jumped on the Korean culture craze (K-pop, K-drama), I'm still curious about K-Town. Most of my Korean knowledge came from my homeboy Kim7, and too bad he couldn't join us this time since he can educate us on the Korean culture. • ===================================================== • Shameless Self Promotions: • Facebook: / jacksofftoanotheradventure • Instagram: / jacksofftoadventures • Medium: / jackchen-h22 • YouTube: / pepperboy1516 • Blog: http://bokable.blogspot.com/ (I should update this lol) • ===================================================== • #koreatown • #korea • #losangeles • #koreanfood • #kpop • #kdrama