Lysosome Structure Function Diseases LSDs Splitting Bodies Easy Biology
Lysosme structure and function are explained in this video lesson. Lysosome storage diseases (LSDs) are also explained with exapmles. • What is lysosome? • The lysosome is membrane-bounded spherical or sac-like organelles present in cytoplasm. The lysosome word is made up of two Greek words ‘lyso” means “split or break” and ‘soma’ means ‘body’. • Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) are a group of more than 70 diseases that are due to malfunction in the lysosomal enzymes. The mutations in the genes cause the dysfunction of enzymes involved in the degradation of metabolites. • To get more resources and worksheets related to this topic visit the link below. • • If you liked this video, give it a big thumbs up, subscribe to my channel and click on the bell icon to turn on notifications for updates. • My aim is to make biology easy and enjoyable for you. Thank you!!! • If you want to learn any topic or have any suggestion..write it down in the comment box. • #lysosome • #lsd • #lysosomalstoragediseases • #animalcell • #plantcell • #splittingbodies