Brian Eno Thursday Afternoon Stretched 6 Hr High Quality


Brian Eno’s Thursday Afternoon was released in 1985 as an audio accompaniment to his video installation of the same name. The album consists of a single 61-minute ambient track, which manages to be both discreet and stark, but also stimulating and hypnotic at the same time. The piece is another step in his exploration of generative music – the creation of music derived from a system, usually incommensurable loops that reconfigure upon repeats. • “The quality of reproduction you get with Compact Disc eliminates all extraneous noise. My music is very quiet; silence is very important in my music. But then, having no silence in music is like having no black or white in a painting. But the music wasn’t recorded digitally. It was recorded on a 24-track analogue machine, and then digitally mastered. The drawback with digital recording is that it only gives you about 15% range, as far as changing speeds is concerned. As I work at a lot of different speeds, this isn’t enough. But they’ll change that.” – Brian Eno • Get the original album on Apple Music •   / thursday-afternoon  


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