Destiny 2 3 LIVE Crucible amp Campaign
Thanks to every one who joined my 1st ever youtube stream, for those watching this as a vid the gameplay starts at 8mins due to my streaming noobism haha. I hope you enjoy and chose to smash that sub button so you can join me for the next live stream. • Grinding for power levels • • Best Way To Farm Glimmer • Best Way to level up • Best Guardian to Use • Best Weapons • Destiny 2 live stream, don't forget to subscribe and follow my twitter links are below : • For more from lastgasp : / @lastgaspyt6583 sub_confirmation=1 • Follow My Twitter : / lastgaspgamer • My Twitch : / ur_lastgasp • Thanks for checking out my videos, hopefully you wanna check out more click any of the above links for either LastGasp or ExoneratedGamer and join me for more, I try to cover as many different styles of games as I enjoy so you can find everthing from Ark Survival,subnautica, rust, miscreated to games like trials fusion, Infinite Warfare, Gears of War 4, titanfall 2 The witcher 3 Fallout 4 and many more. If not I'd like to recommend a few YouTubers I enjoy Vanossgaming for the funniest gaming montages and multiplayer clips around, evrynightriot for some of the most insane ark mods and letsplays available, A few youtubers you should avoid HaHa stampylongnose Iballisticsquid and anyone playing minecraft SORRY. • Also be sure to check out The Korean Savage #1 Leaderboard King for the best top quality gameplays hints and tips, 50 bombs 100 plus gameplays and all the cod you can handle from MWR, BO3, Bo2, world at war and everything in between.