I have a Hisense Dehumidifier It is displaying an E9 error

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From https://www.justanswer.com/ythi • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: Hello! • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: I have a Hisense Dehumidifier. • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: It is displaying an E9 error code. • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: I assume this is a failed humidity sensor. • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: What is the part number for this and how can I order that part? • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: Thanks! • Pearl Wilson: Assistant: How old is your Hisense unit? • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: My original was 9 months, and displayed an E9 error code. • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: The exchange is a little over a year old, but the combined time is over the 2 year warranty. • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: Hisense will not do anything to resolve the issue • Pearl Wilson: Assistant: How long has this been going on with your Hisense dehumidifier? • Pearl Wilson: Assistant: What have you tried so far? • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: Doing the reset per Hisense does not alleviate the problem. • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: There is no other recommendation they have than take it to a repair shop • Pearl Wilson: Assistant: Anything else we should know to help you best? • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: Model DH70KP1WG • Tamar D: HVAC Mechanic II / Service Tech: Hi, my name is* am your personal HVAC/HI Expert on JustAnswer I'm sorry to hear you'ore having issues with your equipment today. • Tamar D: HVAC Mechanic II / Service Tech: I know first hand how frustrating that can be, if you give me a few moments I will provide a response to you on your issue. • Tamar D: HVAC Mechanic II / Service Tech: Please bear with my responses, there can sometimes be a small delay • Tamar D: HVAC Mechanic II / Service Tech: Hope you're doing well today. • Tamar D: HVAC Mechanic II / Service Tech: Unfortunately I cannot cross reference the sensor based on model number, what I’ll need you to do is get the number directly off the humidity sensor and then I’m sure we can get you one online. • Tamar D: HVAC Mechanic II / Service Tech: Let me know and we can go from there • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: There is no part number on the sensor. • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: I looked on the hisense website and there are part numbers there, but by the description, I cannot determine the exact part number. • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: Would you be willing to see if you can determine from their website which is the right part? • Tamar D: HVAC Mechanic II / Service Tech: There should be one on the back of the sensor, sure you can send a pic • JustAnswer Customer from San Antonio, TX: Assume this is the sensor? • Tamar D: HVAC Mechanic II / Service Tech: the pcb number is * part number https:/m.aliexpress.com/item/1005001547216147.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail • Pearl Wilson: Assistant: If you have a home improvement or appliance question and want to chat with an expert now visit justanswer.com/ythi


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