Saint Paul Outside the Walls Romes Stunning
The *Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls* is one of Rome’s most treasured basilicas, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a major Christian pilgrimage destination. Founded in the 4th century, this magnificent structure is the final resting place of the Apostle Paul. Visitors are captivated by its **golden Byzantine mosaics**, towering columns, and the serene beauty of its cloisters. As one of Rome’s four **papal basilicas**, it holds a rich historical significance, blending elements of early Christian art with Roman architectural grandeur. Don’t miss exploring this masterpiece on your next trip to Rome! • #SaintPaulOutsideTheWalls #RomeBasilicas #UNESCO #ChristianHistory #RomeTravel #SanPaoloFuoriLeMura #ByzantineMosaics #ApostlePaul #RomeLandmarks #RomanHistory #BasilicaOfStPaul #RomeBasilicas #SaintPaulOutsideTheWalls #RomeHistory #UNESCOWorldHeritage #ApostlePaul #ChristianPilgrimage #ByzantineArt #RomanLandmarks #ItalyTravel #RomeTours #PapalBasilicas #RomeSights #AncientRome #CatholicChurch