The Drydock Episode 330 Part 2
00:00:00 - Intro • 00:00:29 - A brief overview of the developments of galley equipment from the first electrified galleys though to the end of WWII/Start of the cold war? • 00:06:16 - US fast battleship magazine/secondary seperation from machinery rooms? • 00:13:44 - Ships maximum speed in combat? • 00:17:45 - How is it that even Nelson was not above reproach for alleged marital misgivings while Beatty seems impervious to the miasma of a marriage that only a tabloid writer could love? • 00:25:32 - Could WW2 ships see incoming fire on radar? • 00:29:42 - How ready for war was the RN in the interwar period? • 00:38:13 - How did ships like Ranger deal with lower power output when conducting flight operations? • 00:42:24 - How do naval architects compute the weight/height (metacentric height?) of a ship during the design process and why do they sometimes get stability calculations (USS Midway, Treaty Destroyers, etc.) so embarrassingly wrong? • 00:51:03 - Nelson class 'C' barbette alignment? • 00:55:38 - Why did Brazil want monitors in the 1910's? • 00:57:18 - Why didn't I-26 fire on USS Saratoga at close range? • 01:00:25 - Why did the two 8inch armed Thai coastal defense ships (HTMS Thonburi and Sri Ayudhya) perform so badly against the old French Lamotte Picquet? • 01:03:02 - How did navies decide how many admirals to have and when to promote officers to new admirals? • 01:10:08 - Did the Royal Navy blockade Vichy shipping in the Mediterranean? • 01:14:21 - British thoughts on the 'battle cruiser' before it's actual development? • 01:18:17 - As a general rule of thumb, how much research time do you budget for different kinds of content (Drydock questions vs. Five Minute Guides vs. Rum Ration vs. Fun Fridays), and roughly what percentage of your research time in a given work week goes towards each type of video? • 01:26:43 - With the aid of blueprints and computers, is it possible to create a computer model of HMS Captain (THAT one) and calculate exactly where her metacentric height was, and compare it to where it SHOULD have been? • 01:28:43 - Good looking warships? • 01:30:50 - Potential 13.5 ships in WW2? • 01:34:21 - Why did Blucher sink so quickly in Oslofjord? • 01:37:18 - Late-era ships to save? • 01:41:13 - How large could you make a wooden ship of the line? • 01:45:22 - Extremely compentent crews? • 01:48:27 - How do you think the various axis fleet carriers would have handled those hits if they swapped places with the Allied carriers? • 01:50:40 - What was Mitchell talking about with his native american weather control machine ?