The 11 Traits of PMDD vs Depression MedCircle x Dr Ramani


YOUR MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS • As I venture into focusing also on postpartum topics, I wanted to start with something that is not only highly requested, but also I think a source of anxiety for you pregnant mommas! I hear all the time how worried you are about postpartum depression. I’m going to compare baby blues (which is put simply, sadness in the first 14 days after birth that resolves on its own) and postpartum depression, one of the perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADS). NO STRESS! I want you to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of both baby blues and postpartum depression, what puts you at higher risk, what causes it, and what you can do about it! • You are not alone, • You are not to blame, • With help, it CAN get better. • I want you to have the healthiest, happiest pregnancies, labors, births AND postpartum periods! I want you to feel so in love and bonded to your newborn baby. I want you to have the help you need if you do experience symptoms of postpartum depression and know that it can get better and it won’t last forever! • ALSO: This video focuses on POSTPARTUM depression, but I do want to note that there is also such a thing as prenatal depression or depression in pregnancy. If you’re pregnant and experiencing these symptoms - the same rules apply! Tell your doctor/midwife, see a perinatal psychologist bc you are definitely at high risk for postpartum depression. It’s ok to ask for help! There are lots of caring people that would love to walk alongside you in this. • Side Note: I use the phrase “fix the problem” in this video and I want to clarify. Postpartum depression isn’t necessarily something that is as much fixable as it is treatable. What I meant by that is that if there is a life stressor contributing to the problem, sometimes “fixing” that can significantly affect the outcome. • If you are feeling suicidal, thinking about hurting yourself or someone else, or are concerned that someone you know may be in danger of hurting himself or herself, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255) or the Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433), both of which are staffed by certified crisis response professionals, or call 911. • Other Helpful Resources: • Women’s Mental Health • • Mental Health - Fact Sheets • • Mental Health Ilness • • Postpartum Depression • • Postpartum Psychosis • • • • Thanks for watching and subscribing! • ⬇️Follow me on Instagram TikTok ⬇️ •   / bundlebirth   •   / sarahlavonne   •   / bundlebirth   • Check out all my AMAZON lists updated regularly - birth, breastfeeding, life hacks more! • Take one of my online classes for a CONFIDENT birth: • Are you a current or aspiring labor delivery NURSE? • Tag your photos and stay connected! • #bundlebirth #bundlebirthbaby #sarahlavonne • PROMO Codes (affiliate links): • Modern Fertility ($5 off and free shipping) • Perimom Perineal Massager: Code: SARAHLAVONNE for 10% off • Expectful App (essential!): • RITUAL Prenatal Vitamins (my rec): • Cub Birthing Stool: Code: CA29 for $5 off! • After Birth Plan Class (I helped with it!): https://informedpregnancy.teachable.c... Promo: BUNDLEBIRTH • Lovevery developmentally appropriate toys! • Disclaimer: all information shared is for educational purposes only and framed through the lens of birth in North America. Please consult with your doctor before attempting any of the suggested things. Anything mentioned in any of my videos is never to replace the advice of your doctor or midwife. Make sure to check with them before you try anything suggested in my videos and if you have any further questions. I do not give out medical advice.


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