Stratasys Layer Resolution Tip
If you’ve got a new team member in your 3D printer lab asking, “Do I actually need to swap tips to run a different layer resolution file?”; we’ve got a video that can answer that question. This is a quick tech tip that specifically addresses that topic. • The Stratasys FDM process was created back in 1989 and since that time, they have continued to be the leading pioneers for the advancement of materials and applications related to this process. 3D Printing is not just about whether or not you can extrude a material but more so, about the science behind the material composition, proper thermal requirements, and the understanding of how plastics behave, in both a heated and cooled state. • Stratasys is a world leader, regarding 3D Printing and specifically, the FDM technology, being discussed in this video. This video is intended to explain the theory behind when you can and cannot successfully override the system and still build a good part. • Products Mentioned: • Stratasys FDM 3D Printers: • Presenter: • Michael Brenholt, 3D Printing Operations Specialist at GoEngineer • Website:​ • Blog:​ • Facebook: / goengineer​ • Twitter: / goengineer​ • LinkedIn: / goengineer • Instagram: / ​