METAMASK BİTCOİN CÜZDANI KOLAY KURULUMU Cüzdan Kullanımı ve Binance Smart Chain Ağı Ekleme
You can access all topics on adding metamask bsc network, adding metamask network, using metamask and creating metamask wallet from this video. Metamask is an easy to use cryptocurrency wallet. If you want to create a Bitcoin wallet, you can simply install it. It is very easy to connect to the metamask application with crypto currency exchange and swap applications such as Binance Global, Gateio, pancakeswap. • What I tell in this content and on my channel is definitely NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. Feminine Crypto is an educational channel. I am happy to create detailed videos about the world of crypto money and its applications. Feminine Crypto #metamask, #cryptocurrency, #binancesmartchain