What Are the Symptoms of Agent Orange PTSD Lawyers
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Agent Orange Exposure: Symptoms, Presumptive Diseases, and Your VA Benefits. This video explains the connection between Agent Orange exposure and various health issues veterans face. Learn about common symptoms, the VA's list of presumptive diseases (like Parkinson's, heart disease, and certain cancers), and how to seek the disability benefits you deserve. • For more information, please visit: https://ptsdlawyers.com/veterans-disa... • Berry Law is America's Veterans Law Firm. Over 20% of the legal team at Berry Law Firm served in the military personally, and almost 100% of staff members have at least one immediate family member who served or is serving. Every day we bring the insight and experience of our military backgrounds to support our clients. • Too often the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) denies claims because it misses the link between a veteran's current disability and past military service. Our Veterans disability lawyers work with you to gather and present the evidence and legal arguments needed for the VA to make the correct decision. • 0:00 - Agent Orange: More Than Just Symptoms • 0:15 - Common Symptoms of Agent Orange Exposure • 0:50 - VA Presumptive Diseases: What Qualifies? • 1:10 - Seeking VA Disability for Agent Orange-Related Conditions • #AgentOrange #veterans #veteranhealth #vadisability • -- • BERRY LAW - AMERICA'S VETERANS LAW FIRM • 888-883-2483 • http://ptsdlawyers.com • / ptsdlawyers • / ptsdlawyers • / ptsdlawyers • / berrylaw-1965 • / ptsdlawyers • Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only. It does not create an attorney-client relationship between the firm and the viewer and does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and the content of this video is not a substitute for legal counsel.