THE Alternate History of the Republic of South Africa
In 1910 the Union of South Africa was created. In 1913 the Maritz Rebellion started because they wanted to reestablish the South African Republic in the Transvaal it ended in 1917. The British Empire hands over Lesotho to SA and entrusts it to look after the province. After WW1 SA gains South West Africa as a Province. The Spanish Flu arrived in South Africa killing 5% of South Africa's Population and infecting 15%, it ends in 1920. • In 1929 there was the Transvaal war of Independence but their forces lost the battles, as the South African Cape forces won against the rebellion the morale dropped of many of the supporters to the rebellion. • In 1931 South Africa gains Independence. In 1934 Britain entrusts SA to Basutoland as part of their decolonization effort. • In 1939 WW2 starts and in 1941 the Axis Invades Southern Africa to gain the valuable ports from the allies to starve them of supplies such as food, weapons, cotton, sugar and much more. They caused lots of destruction and bombing in SA the Most severely bombed were Gauteng, Capetown, Windhoek, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Durban. There was also a Genocide of the Cape coloureds, Jewish people and Blacks. The Axis convinced the Africans who were against colonialism to fight against South Africa in order to reestablish the Mutapa Empire and if they did they would be granted Independence. They managed to Drive out the Axis by the End of the war. The German Reich even managed to land in Ireland and a bit of Scotland but the war ended on the 2nd of December 1945. At the End of the War it killed 25% of South Africa's Population. The Federal Party wins the election and is the Dominant party till 1960 afterwards the National Party is the dominant Party. It takes till 1956 for South Africa to fully recover. • In 1972 the ANC rebels killing many in the conflict they were labeled as a terrorist organization because of the rebellion the National Security law is having everyone who has graduated from High school must have a 3.3 Years compulsory Military Service between the ages of 19 and 22. • Starting in 1983 Bantustans are created and there are Anti - Apartheid Riots with bombings and small rebellions. in 1988 the Mandela Protest begin. It ends in 1993. • In 1994 Apartheid is abolished with Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela becoming President of SA till 2002. In 2005 Julius Malema leaves the ANC Creating the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) Party. • In 2010 the EFF rebels creating the Democratic Republic of South Africa. In 2013 SA Invades the DRSA. Separatist Ideas starts in the Cape Eastern Cape and Natal Provinces. There are the unemployment protests which starts in 2018. The Covid-19 Pandemic starts in September 2019 and ends in 2021. • In 2020 Lesotho declares Independence. In 2022 the Cape leaves the Republic of South Africa creating the Cape Republic and so does the Republic of Natal and the DRSA again. In 2025 the Republic of South Africa dissolves and the Republic of Transvaal is created. • Dark orange is fully integrated areas and the Light Orange is occupied and areas with unrest/unintegrated. Yelolow is vassals/puppetstates and Bantustans. The Peach colour is Ex South African Cultures Countries. • Thanks to World Scenariania for recommending me and giving me the Idea to make this Alternate History. • Music used: • Verdi Requiem Dies irae 00:00 • Epic Battle Speech 01:36 • LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to support the Channel. • Subscribe: / @emperorscoubs2405 • Join the Discord: / discord • ___________________________________________________________________________ • Other Mapping Channels you have to visit: • World Scenariania: / @scenariania • The Hetman Mapping: / @arsha1434