Saint Benedicts


Contact: [email protected] for more information. • If we want to have a good society, we must concentrate all our efforts on educating the youth in Christianity. Experience has taught me that caring for young people is the only way to achieve a sustainable civil society said the great Salesian St John Bosco. • We all know how vital it is for the future of the Church and Christian society that our children are fully formed in our Catholic faith. • St Benedict's offers its students a solid traditional education and a Catholic training, under the guidance of the Canons of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. • Many homeschooling families are looking for such a formation for their children, and we want to meet their needs. • Imagine a Centre of Catholic formation where classical style education is allied with character formation in the spirit of Saint Francis de Sales. It is about forming the Catholic adults of tomorrow - what could be more important? • St Benedict’s Academy offers: • • A classically-taught curriculum including English Language Literature, Maths, Science, History, Latin, French, Art, Catechism and Gregorian Chant; • • A curriculum which complements home- schooling; • • Priests at your service who teach every day of the academic week; • • Sisters present every day in class, making the heart of our Academy beat with their beautiful charism and through their teaching of Gregorian Chant; • • Teachers who are well-credentialed and qualified; • • And a team of passionate and engaged volunteers. • Come and visit us! • #icksp #icrsp #icrss #education #catholiceducation #catholiceducationnow #preston #prestonlancashire @icksp @i.c.r.s.s #catholicsgotoPreston #LetsmovetoPreston #PrestoncentreofCatholism #Prestonispriesttown #Prestonfuturepriests #catholicsminpriesttown #Prestonishometocatholics #prestoniscapitalofcatholicisminuk


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