Closed Mondays a claymation short film 1974
Closed Mondays - a claymation short film created by Bob Gardiner and filmed by Will Vinton, circa 1974. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 1975. • .. • Note: The restoration work for this film was done by Stephen Dorian Kutos, and is being used with his kind permission, see link: • • Closed Mondays (1974) in HD restored • .. • Mr. Kutos describes his process as follows: • .. • Here is my restoration attempt on the academy award winning short film Closed Mondays by Bob Gardiner and Will Vinton and helped introduce claymation to the world. This restoration comes from a 16mm print scanned in 2K, with extensive color correction, cleaned up audio, and repair to damaged frames. • .. • #claymation • #1974 • #academyawards • #surpriseending