COPS Shut Me Down For Playing Beats SP404mk2
Roman soldiers shut me down in Ocean Beach last Wednesday and brought the father of lies alongside them👺 • I was initially accused of violating the noise amplification law, as that’s all the soldier said directly to me. However, after I walked away, the soldier told an audience member that the issue stemmed from a noise complaint. • So I walked back up to the accusing soldier and asked if he was a man of Truth. He retorted back Are YOU a man of truth?! I replied, I AM a man of Truth and I expect the truth in return. Was there or wasn't there a noise complaint against me? . The soldier paused, broke eye contact by looking to his side and replied There was a noise complaint . I looked over to the next soldier and he looked off to the side as well. The father of all lies had a strong grip on these two souls. • There wasn't a noise complaint filed against me in Ocean Beach and there never has been. Anywhere. • The soldiers also accused me of drawing bad crowds that are drinking alcohol, smoking weed and bringing weapons . As you can tell from the video, the crowd is made up of people dancing and singing with no drugs, alcohol or weapons in sight. In the 2.5 years I have been playing Ocean Beach, there has never been a fight or weapon drawn during my performances. • I was accused of doing the exact opposite of what my mission is in Ocean Beach, which is uniting people through frequencies of peace. • Forgive. • Forgive. • Forgive. • Thank you everyone, especially the entire Ocean Beach community, for your loving and fearless support. I'll see you all today! • • #fingerdrumming #police #livebeats