Chawanmushi is one of iconic Japanese cuisine. It’s a simple dish, but it’s also known for a difficult dish to make since the dish comes out under-cooked or over-cooked and less seasoned. • Chawanmushi is the savory hot apperizer that absolutely catch guest’s eyes, so it is one of the dish you want to master. • Once you learn how to make it, it’s a very simple and easy to make. Even if you don’t have a steamer, you can make it in a pot. • In my blog, I try to use ingredients that you can easily get. • For the full recipe and cooking tips, pls check out my website❤ • • EQUIPMENT • 4 chawanmushi cups or heat resistant cups • 1 cooking pot with a lid • 1 chopstick or something to put underneath of the lid • 1 strainer • INGREDIENTS (4 servings) • 3 whole eggs • Lukewarm water *3 times amount of whole eggs • 1 TSP HONDASHI powder / Chicken soup powder • a pinch pf salt • 2 Dried Shiitake mushrooms • 4 Cooked shrimp • 8 sliced water chestnuts • ¼ cup Chopped cilantro • INSTRUCTIONS • 1. (Rehydrate dried shiitake mushrooms) Bring back the dried shiitake mushrooms in cold water for 5-8 hours. • 2. Take the axis and sliced shiitake mushrooms. • 3. (Make Dashi broth) In this recipe, use dashi powder (or chicken soup powder if preferred). Welcome to use authentic dashi broth made of dashi kelp/ bonito flakes or you can use the water after rehydrating dried shiitake mushrooms. • 4. Mix Dashi powder (or chicken soup powder) with lukewarm water. • 5. Beaten eggs with a whisk. • 6. Combine the beaten egg, a pinch of salt (about ¼ TSP), and dashi broth 7. (make sure it cools enough) and strain the mixture to a strainer. • 8. Place the prepared ingredients in equal portions in chawanmushi cups or heat-resistant containers. • 9. Gently pour the egg mixture into each cup, being careful not to whisk. 10. Add egg mixture until it reaches 80%. • 11. Cover each cup with a piece of aluminum foil. You can use a lid for chawanmushi cup yet it'll be extremely hot, so I recommend using aluminum foil. • 12. Gently place each cup into the pot. Gently add boiled water to the bottom of the pot until it reaches 1/3 of the way up. • 13. Place the chopstick or something that it can keep the heat out, then, place the lid. • 14. Cook the egg mixture over high heat for 3 minutes, then, reduce the heat to low. Continue cooking for 7 minutes. • 15. Turn off the heat. Remove the chopstick and place the lid back on the pot. Let the mixture keep cooking for 10 minutes on the stove. • • [How to know the chawanmushi done cooked] • Carefully hold the cup with folded towel and lean the cup little bit, then, it'll be cooked done if the soup (liquid) is clear or the egg mixture in not runny. • *If it needs more cooking, place cups to the pot covered without the chopstick and cook for another few minutes over low heat. Turn off the heat and let the mixture keep cooking for 3 minutes. • • 16. Serve and enjoy. Optionally, top with a pinch of salt or soy sauce if desired since this chawanmushi is light flavored. • *Extra cooked shrimp are used on the top of chawanmshi on the image. • Visit my blog about Japanese Cooking Recipes And Tips ❤ • • Thank you for all your support. ❤ • Enjoy Japanese cooking! 🍳 • Have a nice day! 🌈 • (ΦωΦ) Follow Japanmcconnell(ΦωΦ) • Instagram: / japanmcconnell • Pinterest: / japanmcconnell • Twitter: / mcconnell_rico • Facebook: / japanmcconnell-100569239181891 • Youtube @japanmcconnellricoskitchen3593 • [TIMESTAMP] • 00:00 INTTRO. • 00:18 INGREDIENTS • 00:30 TIP 1 • 00:42 INGREDEINTS 2 • 00:50 MAKE THE EGG MIXTURE • 01:42 MIX-INS • 01:52 ASSMBLE CHAWANMUSHI • 02:14 COOK CHAWANMUSHI • 03:07 TIP 2 • 03:16 OUTRO.