456 Julian Chapman
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=yfvC842JGNg
11.32 Caroline Biesalski is joined by Julian Chapman to discuss leadership influenced by military experiences. Julian shares the inspiration behind his managerial leadership journey, emphasizing the importance of enhancing team problem-solving through strategic thinking. The conversation highlights the role of coaches and mentors in leadership development. Julian contrasts frameworks with having a vision or goal, delving into effective decision-making processes. He shares his future goals and provides contact information for listeners interested in connecting. The episode includes a sponsorship mention. • ADDITIONAL SHOW NOTES: • Meet Julian Chapman • Toronto, Ontario, Canada • Website: https://www.forrestandco.com/ • LinkedIn: / julian-c-chapman • Want to be a guest on Inspired Choice Today? Send Caroline Biesalski a message • on PodMatch, here: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpr... • Visit our Partner ModernIQs: Get blog articles for your website: • https://moderniqs.com/create-an-accou...