Schrei Nach Liebe die Ärzte lyrics amp translation
Notes: • 1 • Lorbeerkranz mit Eicheln – laurel wreath with acorns • Laurel wreath, symbol of power from times of Roman Empire, was widely used to represent fascist government. • Acorns are from an oak tree, the national tree of Germany (moreover, during the world war II it was possible for Germans to be honoured by the Iron Cross with the additional distinction of oak leaves, which was very rare - only 882 oak leaves were given). • 2 • graue Theorie – grey theory • A reference to a very famous quote from Faust (by Goethe), in which Mephistopheles said: • „Grau, teurer Freund, ist alle Theorie, • Und grün des Lebens goldner Baum. “ • Translated: • „Dear friend, all theory is grey, • And green the golden tree of life.“ • 3 • Störkraft und der Onkelz - Störkraft and der Onkelz • Both were bands promoting fascist ideas in their songs when this song was released. Der Onkelz has changed their way since and are now more moderate (thanks all who mentioned this in comments). • 4 • Kushelrock LP • A Kushelrock is name of series of music compilations, regularly published since 1987. • The closest synonym which English offers would be “soft rock” or possibly sweet pop songs. It could be also described as songs which help to create the mood when two people want to be together. • • 5 • artizukulieren • Actually, this should have been 'artikulieren'; however, it is misspelled on purpose. Therefore, the correct translation should be something like 'artizuculate' or 'arcutilate'. • It is written this way, because he has never learned to articulate himself :) • • Schrei Nach Liebe (Cry For Love) by Die Ärzte. One of their the most famous song, strongly antifascist. • German text with English translation on screen. • Ich hoffe es gefällt euch :) Hope you like it ;) • English is not my native language, any corrections are welcome. • Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache. Korrekturen sind willkommen. • Done for a part of my German language course. • Disclaimer: I own nothing - nor song, nor lyrics, nor picture. All rights to their rightful owners. Made just for fun, not for profit.