Richard Nixon Did Nothing Wrong Response to Mr Beat
Go to or scan the QR code and use code LAVADER to get your free FÜM Topper when you order your Journey Pack today. • In his video explaining Watergate, Mr. Beat presents the average story of what happened in Watergate and the role of Richard Nixon, and in this response video I dig a bit deeper into Mr Beat's points to come to the conclusion that Richard Nixon did nothing wrong in regards to Watergate, and that there were other forces and factors in play that weren't of his making. • Patreon: / lavader • Twitter: / lavader_ • Buy Me A Coffee: • ------------------ • Sources Used: • Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deepthroat by Max Holland • The Nixon Defense: What He Knew and When He Knew It by John Dean • The Nixon Conspiracy: Watergate and the Plot to Remove the President by Geoff Shepard • Nixon: A Life by Jonathan Aitken • ------------------ • Tags: • Watergate, USA, America, United States, Richard Nixon, Nioxon, President Nixon, Mr Beat, Beat, Lavader, Response, Debunk, John Dean, Geoff Shepard, Nixon Foundation, Watergate Scandal