How to Grow Baobab from Seed Quick and Easy
Hi everyone, welcome to our channel. In this video, we are going to show you the steps that you can follow to grow your very own baobab trees from seeds! Be sure to stick around for our top tips towards the end. We also have all this information packed into an eBook for our loyal viewers. • To get started you will need: • Baobab seed • A few small containers • Coarse sandpaper • Potting soil • River sand • And Pots • Baobab seed are notoriously slow and difficult to germinate. Therefore, we are going to treat the seed before we plant them. • Using your sandpaper, file your seed until you create an almost transparent layer. Try and file the entire surface and do not be gentle in this step. These seed coats are extremely hard and by removing the outer layers, you can help the seed to take up water, which is necessary if a seedling is going to emerge. You may want to use some pliers to get a firm grip on your seed and to protect your fingers from nicks. • Once you have filed your seed, place them in a container and pour boiling water over them. Leave them to soak for 24-48 hours. If you can, periodically refill the containers with hot water. • While your seed are soaking, you can mix your soil. We are using an all-purpose potting soil mixed with river sand. As we mentioned earlier, baobabs grow in the sandy African soils and do not tolerate waterlogging. The river sand helps to promote drainage and therefore helps to prevent root rot. Our mix is made up of 1-part potting soil to 1-part river sand. You can also use a commercial succulent or cacti mix too. • Fill your pots with the soil. The long taproot of baobab seedlings can be quite fragile and get damaged easily during transplantation. Therefore, we recommend using one medium sized pot per seed. This will provide enough area for roots to grow and establish before you need to transplant your seed. • After the seed have soaked, the seed will have imbibed, or swollen up with water. You can see here the difference between a non-soaked seed, a seed that was sanded and soaked for 24 hours and a seed that has started to germinate. After soaking, the coats will have softened and maybe even started to peel off themselves. Try and remove this covering either with your fingernails or by giving your seed another filing with the sandpaper. Be careful in this step, some seeds may have started to germinate and any damage to the radicle, which will form the root, will kill your plants before they even get a chance to grow. • After you have treated your seed, sow them into 1 cm deep holes. Lightly cover them with soil. Give them a good soaking with a fine irrigation and keep them in a warm area. Make sure your soil is kept moist, but not waterlogged. • In a few weeks’ time, your seed will start to emerge, although this may occur quicker in warmer environments. Your seedlings will still require regular watering. With every irrigation, soak the soil well and only water again once the top couple of centimetres have dried out. When your seedlings have grown 2 true leaves, you can transplant them into a larger container filled with a sandy mix. • Growing Baobab eBook: • • ********************************** • Free E-Book: 5 Steps to start a Profitable Plant Nursery • • ********************************** • 🛒 Thank you for watching, we appreciate your support very much! If you liked what you saw in this video, check out our list of favourite items below. We may receive a small commission when you buy from these affiliate links which helps us continue to create informative videos. • 🌱 Seed trays: • 🌱 Secateurs: • 🌱 Perlite: • 🌱 Rooting hormone: • 🌱 Spray bottles: • 🌱 The Plant Propagators 'Bible': • 🌱 Coir: • 🌱 Vermiculite: • 🌱 Watering nozzle attachment for bottles: • Resources we use: • Links in the description might be affiliate links and if you purchase a service, we may receive a commission. • Affiliate links: • • New zenler: • • Disclaimer • This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: • • All stock footage, audio and other non-original materials used in this video were done so with the use of royalty-free license agreements. This includes, but is not limited to, Camtasia, StoryBlocks, and Artlist.