ESO Magicka Warden Solo PvP Build Guide Necrom
Hope you enjoy seeing something a little different :) Gameplay at the start, followed by the in-depth build video starting at 5:08. • Note: Orzorga's Red Frothgar (Blue quality Drink Buff) is a better recovery food to use than Jewels of Misrule or Bear Haunch! • Written Build: • 1x Master's Ice Staff frontbar • 5x Order's Wrath (or Frostbite) on body • 5x Wretched Vitality backbar • 1x Magma Incarnate • 1x Markyn Ring of Majesty • --- • Armor weights 2H 2M 3L • Armor traits 2x Reinforced on heavy pieces, (2x Well-fitted 3x Impenetrable) or (5x Impenetrable) depending on your playstyle. Include Well-fitted if you roll-dodge and are mobile in fights. Use pure Impen if you prefer to hold your ground in fights. • Weapons: • Master's Ice Staff (Sharpened) Double DoT poisons or Absorb Magicka Enchant • Sword Shield of Wretched Vitality (Defending Sturdy) Absorb Stamina Health Enchant • Armor: • Medium Helmet of Wretched Vitality (Impen) Health or Tri-stat Enchant • Heavy Chest of Order's Wrath (Reinforced) Health or Tri-stat Enchant • Medium Magma Incarnate Shoulders (Impen) Stam Enchant • Light Waist of Order's Wrath (Well-fitted or Impen) Mag Enchant • Light Hands of Order's Wrath (Well-fitted or Impen) Mag Enchant • Heavy Legs of Order's Wrath (Reinforced) Health Tri-stat Enchant • Light Feet of Order's Wrath (Impen) Health or Mag Enchant • Jewelry: • Amulet of Wretched Vitality (Infused Weapon Spell Damage) • Ring of Wretched Vitality (Bloodthirsty Weapon Spell Damage) • Markyn Ring of Majesty (Swift Weapon Spell Damage) • --- • Front Bar: Lotus Blossom, Deep Fissure, Frost Reach, Bird of Prey, Growing Swarm, Dawnbreaker Ulti • Back Bar: Resolving Vigor, Polar Wind, Ice Fortress, Leeching Vines, Blue Betty, Spell Wall Ulti • Flex notes for bar setup: You can run Polar Wind instead of Arctic Blast for stronger off-healing for teammates. This results in the loss of your main stun. The solution to this, is to remove Leeching Vines from your back bar and put Lotus Blossom in that spot on your back bar instead. In place of Lotus Blossom on your front bar, you would place Screaming Cliff Racer in that slot for an off-balance. With this off-balance, you can medium-weave your Ice Staff for a consistent stun. This Screaming Cliff Racer skill also awards us with 400 Weapon Spell Damage for 10 seconds upon successfully dealing damage to the Off-Balance enemy. This will further increase your overall damage. • The loss of Leeching Vines with this bar setup is not noticeable, as we are gaining a massive heal-over-time from switching to Polar Wind. Definitely use Orzorga's Red Frothgar for massive health and recovery boost with the Polar Wind setup to maximize your burst heal potential. • --- • Champion Points: • Green (Only Breakfall passive really matters) • Blue Slottables (Fighting Finesse or Force of Nature, Focused Mending, Master-At-Arms, Ironclad) • Red Slottables (Celerity, Survival Insincts, Pain's Refuge, Fortified) • --- • Food: Bewitched Sugar Skulls or Orzorga's Red Frothgar • Vampire: Stage 3 for Undeath passive • Mundus: The Shadow • Potions: Tri-Pots • • Feel free to leave a comment or question! :)