How To Get Rid of Poison Ivy FAST
Hey everyone, below is the links to purchase this stuff. So recently I got into some poison ivy, or oak. Maybe even sumac i dont know. I never get this stuff ever. This time it was bad I had it all over. The itching , whelps, and bumps, I tried the typical calamine lotion, IVAREST stuff from walmart, I even tried bleach (Don't do it). None of that worked. SO I looked around the house and seen the fast orange hand cleaner. Its made to take grease oil and grimy things off your skin anyway So I thought what the hey lets try it. I applied it and rubbed it in let it sit for a minute or 2 and then rinsed off the fast orange. Within 10 minutes I noticed the itching went away and within and hour or 2 the redness and bumps were lessening. I applied it for about 4 days and it completely cleared up. I had the stuff bad, but my wife had it to. Must have gave her a great big hug lol anyway, she tried the typical stuff none of which helped. I told her about the Fast Orange hand cleaner and she tried it. Hers went away faster then mine. She didnt have it as bad as me though. • Anyway I hope this video helps you guys. If it did be sure to subscribe. • Also comment below let me know what you think about it. • BUY THIS STUFF GET IT CLEARED UP: • 1 gallon jug : • Thanks eveeryone stay safe, be kind kind in this cruel world, till next time peace.