How to install headset cups bearing races
In this video we will see how to install headset cups to your frame. You will need a headset press tool, assembly grease and a bicycle stand. • Today we are going to install headset cups. To do so we are going to install both bearing cups. • We will use this headset press tool. It should install cups evenly, if not bearings will seize prematurely. • It is also recommended to use a bicycle stand so we can work easily at the correct height without having to do it over the ground holding the frame in place with knees or teeth. • In first place we are going to grease the cup housing with assembly grease. This will avoid annoying as well as a better and easiest cup installation. • Once grease is applied we should put in place headset cups. Is it important to use something soft that pushes the outside diameter of cups, in this case we will use a piece of nylon. • Is it important to have cups evenly placed so they are installed correctly. • As you can see, the upper cup has been correctly installed, but not the lower one. If it happens to you, let the upper cup as it is, correctly installed, and remove lower cup to repeat the operation. • Check that cup is evenly placed and tighten the headset press again. • Once done, check again both cups are evenly installed and remove the press. • That’s all for today. Hope it helps and see you on next video! • Well, hope it has been useful, And remember that all of your component and bicycle manipulation is under your responsability. We are not responsible of it, so take care :D • • Translation voice dubbing Goose Alvaro ( • Cheers! • • Follow us: • • FaceBook: / corebicycle • Twitter: / corebicycle • G+: • Youtube: / corebicycle