Trading Stability for Freedom My Journey to a SoulAligned Business


I remember when I used to work in a Debt Collections Call Centre and I would fantasise about the day I could leave and never come back. • I would stare out the window between Calls imagining what it would be like to walk across the bridge to Piccadilly train station for the last time. • To feel that sense of freedom in my body. • To feel and know that I was fully capable and resilient enough to work for myself and to be successful at it. • That day eventually happened. • It didn't happen in the way that I thought it would because I manifested a nervous breakdown to get myself out of it. • However, what was on the other side of that situation was indeed better than anything I could ever imagine. • I can see now where I have been making myself small and procrastinating sharing my gifts in order to keep myself 'safe' • The long-term corporate job that provided me with 'comfort and stability' became steadily unstable. • It hasn't always been easy having a full-time Healing Business but it's beyond worth it. • I get enough sleep, I have time for Self-care, and supporting Clients in their transformation is wildly fulfilling work. • Do you feel stuck in a job that you know isn't for you? • Would you love to break free and manifest your dream of supporting your Soul Clients? • Would you love to do work that lights up your Soul every day as well as get paid and feel fully supported for your services? • Breakthrough in your Business Energy Coaching Sessions will support you in • 💜 Getting Clear on your specific Path and Purpose • 💜 Creating Sessions, Services and Workshops that sell • 💜 Showing up on Social Media Boldy • 💜 Activating and becoming confident in your Channelling abilities • 💜 Feeling, inspired, motivated and supported on your path • 💜 Leaving a 9-5 and going full time in your Business • 💜 Breaking through Money blocks and allowing financial flow • To book please go to the link in the comments I am happy to do a short ten-minute Call if you are genuinely interested and ready to go ahead but would like to have a short call before booking. • Send me a message or the link with the full details is in the bio. • Lots of love, • Amy xx •


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