How to Build a Guitar Solo with Simple Repeptition Guitar Soloing School 2
New: complete guitar music theory method here: • Build a guitar solo better than ever before when you learn and apply these simple 'REPETITION' techniques and concepts to fix those RAMBLING guitar solos and improvisations. If you feel like your guitar solos don't go anywhere, you feel like you're just stringing together a bunch of licks, and you want to build guitar solos which are more memorable, melodic, and fit in the songs you play better...then this lesson is for you! Using REPETITION is one of the surest ways to create more structured and musical sounding leads and solos, and in this lesson I'll show you some simple ways that you can experiment with and start using this powerful concept in your solos. This is a game -changer, so give it a try (and make sure to do the exercises!). This is the second lesson in my new Guitar Soloing School series, next time we'll be looking at how to use SPACE ...subscribe so you don’t miss it :-) • CHECK OUT MY BESTSELLING BOOKS: • Learn more about my bestselling NO BULL MUSIC THEORY FOR GUITARISTS - now a 3 book series!: • Plus...the CAGED SYSTEM FOR GUITAR - step-by-step method for mastering the fretboard -with scales, sample licks, backing tracks, practice routines and more. Learn more here: • BLUES SOLOING FOR GUITAR VOL.1: • BLUES SOLOING FOR GUITAR VOL.2 : • SEE ALL MY OTHER BOOKS HERE: • • All available on Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, Google Play, Barnes Noble plus other stores and libraries around the world. For the full range visit: • • ✨ TABLE OF CONTENTS ✨ • 00:32 -Welcome to Guitar Soloing School lesson #2 all about repetition, a super powerful soloing tool. • 1:41 -Why is repetition so impportant and what it can do for your playing • 2:47 -How to practice repetition. If you experiment with these exercises and approaches you'll begin to develop the habit of using repetition in your playing more. This might not sound like much, but it will make a big difference to how people percieve your solos; in short, they'll make more sense to the listener! • 3:19 -the 'Simple Repetition' exercise. Establish a starting phrase then repeat it over a backing track leaving some space between each repetition. They don't need to be identical, but keep them very similar so the effect of the repetition is clearly heard. I'll demo this over a rock ballad style backing in the key of A minor. • 4:54 - Let's breakdown my demo solo a bit to hear how I used repetition to build it • 6:07 - I'll demo the exercise over a 12 bar blues in G now. Listen out for the repetition in use! • 7:48 - Here ae a few more advanced repetition ideas you can explore in the practice room. We'll SHORTEN the lick (called 'fragmentation'), CHANGE THE ENDING to create a variation, re-use a KEY COMPONENT OF THE LICK and we'll build new licks USING THE SAME RHYTHM as the original. • 13:50 - More coming in Guitar Soloing School lesson #3 - SPACE! Out around 6th August 2021... • // WATCH THESE NEXT • SUGGESTION 1: Nail your timing and groove with lesson 1 in Guitar Soloing School: • RHYTHM and TIMING - Guitar Soloing Sc... • SUGGESTION 2: Spice up your blues solos with 'minor six' pentatonic and 'guide tones' here: • Melodic Blues Solos- Guide Tones and ... • SUGGESTION 3: Discover the BEST way to learn any new lick: • The BEST Way to Memorise Any GUITAR LICK • // ABOUT ME • Hey, I'm James and I’m an author of guitar books, YouTuber, course creator, coach and all round guitar addict! With over 30,000 spent one-on-one helping guitar players reach their goals my channel gives me the chance to share what I’ve learned on my journey as a guitarist and teacher. If you like the way I teach and find my lessons help you get results, then see my website for details of my No Bull guitar books, my Total Guitar Lab courses and more: • • --------------------------------------------- • // LINKS • My Website and Blog: • My Total Guitar Lab academy for courses, coaching and memberships: