Improvising on a Crash Keith Hennessy Circo Zero YBCA
Improvised dance theater mirror the survival techniques of society's powerless in Keith Hennessy's Turbulence (a dance about the economy) . • About Keith Hennessy • Keith Hennessy's stage presence burns; he ignites any subject he tackles. Sacred, violent, and compassionate impulses shape our everyday lives; it is through a genius like Hennessy, though, that we can confront the state of the human contradiction. • — Katia Noyes, San Francisco Weekly • Hennessy is that rare artist who succeeds in translating fierce social concerns into artistically satisfying creations that enlighten and entertain. Against all odds he believes in art's power to reassume its ritualistic and healing function. • — Rita Felciano, SF Bay Guardian • Unstable structures supported by unsustainable systems, this dance cannot stand up on its own. Turbulence (a dance about the economy) is a bodily response to economic crisis. • — Keith Hennessy • Keith Hennessy was born in a mining town in Northern Ontario, Canada, lives in San Francisco, and works regularly in Europe. He is an award-winning performer, choreographer, teacher, and organizer. Hennessy directs Circo Zero Performance, a laboratory for live performance that defies genre and expectation. Rooted in dance, Hennessy's work embodies a unique hybrid of performance art, music, visual and conceptual art, circus, and ritual. A Queer 20th Anniversary features Hennessy in two solo performances, Saliva (1988--89) and Crotch (all the Joseph Beuys references in the world...) (2008), as well as How To Die (2005--06) in the collaboration with Jules Beckman and Seth Eisen. • Hennessy was a member of Sara Shelton Mann's legendary Contraband (1985--94), as well as the collaborative performance companies CORE (1995--98) and the France-based Cahin-caha, cirque b‚tard (1998--2002). His work is featured in several books and documentaries, including How To Make Dances in an Epidemic (David Gere, Univ of Wisconsin: 2004), Gay Ideas (Richard Mohr, Beacon: 1992), and Dancers in Exile (RAPT Productions, 2000). Hennessy is a co-founder of 848 Community Space/CounterPULSE a thriving performance and culture space in San Francisco. • Recent awards include two Isadora Duncan Awards (2009) for Sol niger, a Goldie (2007) and the Alpert/MacDowell Fellowship in Dance (2005). In 2009, Keith was awarded residencies at The MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, and Djerassi. Recent commissions include Arsenic, Lausanne (Crotch, 2008), Centre Chorègraphique National, Belfort (Sol niger, 2007), Les Subsistances, Lyon (Sol niger, 2007; Homeless USA, 2005), Les Laboratoires, Paris (American Tweaker, 2006), FUSED (French-US Exchange in Dance), and Lower Left Performance Co, San Diego (Gather, 2005). Keith's teaching includes the University of San Francisco, UC Davis, Zipfest (Italy), imPulsTanz (Vienna), TSEH (Moscow), Circuit Est (Montreal), and IDA (Toronto). • About Circo Zero Performance • Instigated by Keith Hennessy in 2001, Zero Performance and Circo Zero make live performance sparked by current and historic social realities. The work is interdisciplinary and experimental, operating within the tensions between intimacy and spectacle, rhetoric and ritual, personal and social. Rooted in contemporary dance and performance we also engage circus, theatre, music, visual and conceptual art. Under the influence of queer ideas, aesthetics and histories, Zero Performance evolves performance language and builds community through collaboration, crossing lines of artistic discipline, personal and cultural identity, and social expectations. Zero Performance participates in local and global struggles for justice, functioning as a collective space and public laboratory. • More about Keith Hennessy / Circo Zero and Turbulence (a dance about the economy) @