Converting Bladegeists into Ruststalkers with Leftovers Kitbash Tutorial
Converting Nighthaunt Bladegeists into Ruststalkers, with Leftovers! (Kitbash Tutorial) • One of the cool things about the Adeptus Mechanicus Sicarian kit is that after you build a squad of Infiltrators there are a ton of Ruststalker parts left over! Using these spares we can grab some Age of Sigmar Bladegeists and recycle those parts into a whole new squad! That means with 2 boxes of Sicarians and one box of Bladegeists you can make a full 20 Sicarians. • Green Stuff Cables: • Sculpting positionable cables (TentaC... • The Secret of Miliput: • How to use Milliput to fix everything... • ▶ Twitch: / gettin_toasty • ▶ Twitter: / gettintoasty • ▶ Instagram: / gettintoasty • ▶ Discord: / discord