粉瘤 右腰部 くりぬき法 atheroma epidermal cyst 新宿 渋谷 上野 池袋【アイシークリニック】
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右腰部の粉瘤摘出の様子を動画でご紹介しています。 • ※治療方法などの詳細はこちら:https://ic-clinic.com/atheroma/ • ※ご予約はこちら:https://ic-clinic.com/reservation/ • ※手術に関する注意点 • ・粉瘤手術費用の目安は、保険適用・3割負担にて4,000円~14,000円程度となります。(露出部・非露出部・大きさ・箇所などによって変動することがあります。診察料・処方料・検査費用等は別途かかります) • ・傷跡は、手術的にお取りするため全く傷が残らないということはありえませんが、できるだけ目立たない方法をご提案しております。 • ・手術当日と翌日の飲酒・運動、手術当日の入浴は、出血の可能性があるため控えていただきます。 • ・処方薬でのアレルギー症状など副作用がある方もおられます。 • ・再発のリスクもゼロではないため、診察時に医師より丁寧にご説明させていただきます。 • ※本動画は、日本形成外科学会形成外科専門医を中心とした以下の医師の監修のもと作成しております。 • ・高桑 康太 医師 • ・佐藤 昌樹 医師 • • This video is showing the surgery to remove epidermal cysts from the right back. • ※ Details of medial treatment of epidermal cysts can be found here: https://ic-clinic.com/atheroma/ • ※ Online researvation can be available here: https://ic-clinic.com/reservation/ • • Epidermal cysts (or atheroma) are benign tumors. They are found under the skin and formed by the accumulation of waste products such as dirt and sebum. • The initial symptoms of the disease is quite similar with acne so it can often be mistaken for acne. The most important difference between the two is that acne on the epidermis will be cured naturally, whereas epidermal cysts is not healed spontaneously because the tumors exist under the skin. In other words, some surgical treatment is required to treat the tumors. • • There are maily two ways to remove them: complete surgical excision method and minimally invasive excision method. • With the conventional method (complete surgical excision method), for example, you will eventually have a scar with a size of 2 cm or more to remove 2 cm epidermal cysts. So, this method has a disadvantage of leaving a quite large and noticeable linear scar on the skin proportional to the size of the epidermal cysts. On the other hand, the minimally invasive excision method offers patients with small and inconspicuous scars and short operation time . These are the good points of this method. • iC Clinic proposes treatments using the minimally invasive excision method depending on patient's symptoms. • • Estimate of the operation cost is about 4,000 to 14,000 yen with insurance coverage and 30% burden. (The price may vary depending on the exposed part, unexposed part, size, location, and so on. Consultation fee, prescription fee, and inspection cost etc. will be also charged separately.) • Since we surgically remove epidermal cysts, it is unlikely that no scars will remain on the skin. We always suggest the minimally invasive excision method so that we can make the scars left on the skin as inconspicuous as possible. Please refrain from drinking and exercising on the day and the next day of the surgery, and taking a bath on the day of the surgery because of the possibility of bleeding. Also, some people might have side effects such as allergic symptoms with prescription drugs. We cannot say there are no possibility of the recurrence risk of the cysts at all, so your doctor will give a careful explanation at the time of your consultation. • • This video was created under the supervision of the following medical specialists in plastic surgery from Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. • ・ Dr. Kota Takakuwa • ・ Dr. Masaki Sato • • 在视频中介绍了右背部的粉瘤摘除情况。 • ※治疗方法等详细内容如下:https://ic-clinic.com/atheroma/ • ※预约在这里:https://ic-clinic.com/reservation/ • • 粉瘤是皮脂等废物在皮肤下堆积而成的良性肿瘤。 • 因为初期症状相似,也有可能被误认为是粉刺。但是,两者的区别最重要的一点是,表皮上的粉刺可以自然治愈,而粉瘤是在皮肤深处,无法自然治愈。所以粉瘤的治疗需要外科手术。 • 粉瘤的手术方法有“切开法”和“引流法”两大种类。 • 如果是以前的方法(切开法)的话,例如切除2cm的粉瘤会有2cm以上的伤口。也就是说,有留下相当大的明显伤痕的弱点。如果是引流法的话,它的特点是“伤痕小,不显眼”,“手术时间非常短”。 • 在ic诊所,我们会根据您的症状以先进的“引流法”给您制定治疗方案。 • 粉瘤手术的费用大概是,医疗保险担负7成・自己负担3成大概是4000日元~14000日元左右。(根据囊肿突出于皮肤表面的高度大小、囊肿所在的部位等会有变动。另外诊疗费、处方费、检查费用等需要另外支付。) • 但是因为是手术性的去除,所以不能完全不留下疤痕,但是我们会使用将疤痕减到最轻的方法进行治疗。 • 注意事项:在手术当天和第二天禁止饮酒、运动、并且手术当天洗澡都有可能会有出血的情况。另外,处方药中也有过敏等症状的副作用。而且也有复发的风险,所以在诊治的过程中请认真听医生的说明和注意事项。 • • ※本视频是在日本整形外科学会认定的整形外科专业医生的指导下制作的。 • ・高桑康太医生 • ・佐藤昌树医生