How To Fix Enlarged Prostate Explained By Dr Berg


To find out more about Prostate Cancer treatment support visit: • This video describes the extra support that prostate cancer patients under treatment need, including some of the side effects prostate cancer has and how to manage with the physical issues of Prostate Cancer. More videos about prostate cancer are available at the end of this video. • Dr. Vincent Gnanapragasm from Cambridge University talks us through common prostate • cancer risk factors: • A diagnosis of Prostate cancer is never easy to deal with. I’ve come to Cambridge University hospital to meet Dr. Vincent Gnanapragasam to find out how best to cope. • Well Vincent what advice do you have? Certainly hearing you’ve got Cancer is devastating news for yourself and for your family. But I do tell my patients there is every reason to be optimistic. Many men will live with their cancers and cures are eminently possible in many cases. But for those who are struggling to cope there are support services in your own hospital or in your GP practice or indeed nationally which they should go to. • Now as a result for treatment for prostate cancer I understand there can be some urinary symptoms? Different treatments for prostate cancer can cause some trouble with urinary symptoms. With surgery you might get incontinence or leakage of urine. With radiotherapy you may get irritability of the bladder, making someone want to pee more often. And those kind of things can be managed with treatments and medication. The key thing is to seek help early when that happens. • And what about other physical issues that may come up for some people? A lot depends on the kind of treatment, radiotherapy may for instance cause bowl symptoms and diarrhea transiently. And men who get hormone therapy may find that they become very tired, they put on weight and lose their vitality. • And understandably one of the things most people want to know about is how prostate cancer effects their sex life? Unfortunately the prostate being where it is has the nerves for erections wrapped around it and there is no doubt that treatments will cause problems with erectile failure or disfunction. But there is things that can be done to help with this. Medication for example, artificial devices and all these things are available to men who need it after treatment. • So can men have children after treatment? So if you have surgery the tubes as they were will be disconnected. However you can still retrieve sperm for fertility that was necessary. In radiotherapy in general that doesn’t affect fertility, the hormone therapy can suppress that for some time. • Coping with prostate cancer isn’t easy but it’s good to hear that if you are having any problems there is lots of help available. For more information visit the Cancer Research UK website or see the other videos in this series.


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