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Repair Windows 10 using automatic repair • This video shows how the use the Automatic Repair Tool built into Windows 10. This tool can solve various problems including corrupt files, system partitions, boot sectors and drivers automatically. This tutorial also applies to users of Windows 8/8.1 • If you are unable to boot into Windows to run this tool, check out my start-up repair video (which is basically a work around to get to the troubleshooting options): https://goo.gl/71jhyr • Repair Windows 10 using Automatic Repair • If you're having computer problems like reboot loop or corrupt windows files using Automatic Repair to repair Windows 10 is a good start. Automatic repair or Start up repair can fix, resolve and help recovery of some common issues in windows 10. This solution may not fix all of your PC Boot up problems, but is a good starting point. It can resolve corrupt registry keys and Windows update related issue. Another common computer problem is having a corrupt software driver or program. Running Start-up Repair on your computer can fix problems that keep windows from loading on your computer or laptop. Remember this tool is not a one fix for all tool, it has its limitations, but all is not lost, you have other options open to you like, system restore, System image recovery, Refresh your PC and Reset your PC. • Step 1: Put the CD or USB into your drive, then proceed to boot from that • Step 2: When the install screen pops up, at the bottom left-hand side of the screen select Repair Your Computer . • Step 3: You will now see a screen that says Choose an option . Select Troubleshoot , then Advanced Options , and then Start-up repair . • Remember backing up your data on a regular basis can save you a lot of hassle in the long run. • • Additional (Optional) Steps If The Tutorial Does Not Work For You: • Windows 8 and 10’s advanced startup tools do function a little differently from the tools on previous versions of Windows. If your Windows 8 or 10 system can’t boot properly, the tools will begin to appear automatically, making it unable for you to fix the problem. • Once you’ve accessed the advanced startup options, you’ll need to click (or tap) the Troubleshoot option to access the troubleshooting and repair options. The Continue and Turn off your PC options will continue booting to Windows (assuming there isn’t a problem) or power-off your computer. • The Troubleshoot screen provides easy access to the Refresh and Reset your PC options. This is particularly useful if you want to refresh or reset your PC, but can’t get into Windows. • Refresh your PC: Refreshing your PC restores its system software to its factory state without deleting your files or installed Modern apps. However, any installed desktop apps will be removed. • Reset your PC: Resetting your PC (not to be confused with rebooting your PC) resets it to its factory state. Any personal files and settings on your computer will be deleted. • If you just want to fix your computer and you’re not sure which option to pick, try Refreshing your PC so you don’t lose all your files. • For more advanced troubleshooting and repair tools, click (or tap) Advanced options. • The Advanced options screen holds the advanced troubleshooting and repair options. • System Restore: Restore your computer to an earlier restore point. This is the same as using System Restore within Windows. However, if Windows 8 can’t boot, it may boot properly after you restore your PC to a working state. • System Image Recovery: Restore your computer using a system image file. The system image overwrites your computer’s state and files. You’ll need to use Windows 7’s backup tools in Windows 8 to create a system image. • Automatic Repair: Try to automatically repair issues that can prevent Windows from booting properly. If your computer can’t boot into Windows, this option is worth a try. • Command Prompt: Open a Recovery Environment Command Prompt. This will allow you to run a variety of commands to troubleshoot and fix your computer. This option should only be used by advanced users who know what they’re doing. • Startup Settings: The Startup Settings option allows you to modify a number of startup options. For example, you can enable Safe Mode from here. You can also disable automatic restart after failure – this option will allow you to see the error message if your PC is constantly blue-screening and rebooting. • The advanced options here may allow you to fix the problem – the Automatic Repair option is especially useful, and the System Restore or Safe Mode options may help you boot your computer. If none of these options work, you’ll need to perform either a refresh or a full reset. • This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running the Windows 10 operating system (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, and Samsung).