Phobia Phear Coaster front seat onride 4K POV Lake Compounce
This Premier Rides Sky Rocket II triple launch coaster stands 150 feet tall and features an in-line twist at the top that is the highest inversion in New England. • Check out the front seat on-ride ridercam reverse POV video we posted to see our own EastCoast(er)General and his son's reactions on this thrilling coaster: • Phobia Phear Coaster front seat on-ri... • You can also watch the off-ride video we posted to see more of what the coaster looks like and how it works: • Phobia Phear Coaster off-ride HD @60f... • Lake Compounce is located in Bristol, Connecticut. • This is the exact same video as the Phobia Phear Coaster 3D on-ride POV video we posted for those that cannot view the 3D version on their phone or tablet. Here's the link to the 3D video we posted: • Phobia Phear Coaster 3D front seat on... • This is us: • Read CF tweets: / coasterforce • Like us on Facebook: / coasterforce • Follow us on Instagram: / coasterforce