Caravan Chit Chat Using Fenwicks Caravan Cleaner
Hi everyone! • So last time I thought I would give Silky Caravan Cleaner a try, and I soon found that my preference was my usual Fenwicks Cleaner. Today I thought I would show you how I use Fenwicks to clean my caravan and the great results it gives. Again, be prepared to be dazzled by my demonstration skills. • Take a look at Jon Feeney’s channel, caravan shorts here: / @caravanshorts • *NOTE: we are not being sponsored by Fenwicks for this video, it is purely my own opinion* • Thanks for watching! • Give us a thumbs up if you like what you see and don't forget to hit subscribe! • Follow us on Twitter: @caravanchitchat • Follow us on Instagram: caravan_chitchat • Thanks!