CAP 200 VETERINARIO DE PECES Cirugía a un PEZ koi con un TUMOR Ictiopatología
AWESOME SURGERY TO A FISH • • In CHAPTER 200 of our YouTube channel, we tell you the exciting story of Blup , a little fish that has different tumors in its body. Its owner was worried, he has always taken care of his pond and confessed that the fish made his day happy when everyone approached the call of food. After discovering the lumps in the body of Blup , he did not hesitate to go to the Privet Veterinary Hospital for Antonio Rodriguez Gonzalez and his team of veterinarians to solve the problem. • In our Hospital we offer the possibility of surgically removing the tumors that the animal had on the back by surgery. Its owner accepted and we started the preparations. • It is a surgery that requires a great TEAMWORK by all veterinarians, controlling the animal's breathing, supplying oxygen through its mouth, etc. • We especially want to thank the help of the always attentive and biologist David Herrero González, and the veterinarians specialized in exotic animals: Juanchi Sanchez de Leon, Javier García Hernando and Javier Beltrán y Muñoz • This procedure carries a lot of risk to the life of the animal, since it must be done in the shortest possible time to reintroduce the fish into the water. Once the excision was performed, Blup was taken to the recovery tank where we continued supplying oxygen and antibiotics for a week to avoid any type of infection. • As you can see, Blup recovers perfectly a few minutes after surgery and its owner comes to see him already recovered. A few days later this little fish is returned to his pond with his companions where he can enjoy again an extraordinary quality of life. • IF YOU LIKE TO SHARE OUR VIDEO TO KEEP HELPING ALL THE ANIMALS THAT NEED IT • THANK YOUR OWNERS FOR TRUSTING US!