Senior Developers vs Junior Developers Whats The Difference
What does it mean to be a junior developer or a senior? How do juniors progress to become senior developers? The answers may not be where you think. This is not all about detailed technical expertise, there is more to it than that, this is not just about learning how to code or the technical skills of how to become a great programmer. • In this episode Dave Farley author of best selling books Continuous Delivery and Modern Software Engineering explores the idea of junior vs senior developers and describes the differences, and some of the advantages, of each stage in a developers progress. • - • ⭐ PATREON: • Join the Continuous Delivery community and access extra perks content! ➡️ • 🎥 Join Us On TikTok ➡️ / • - • CHANNEL SPONSORS: • Equal Experts is a product software development consultancy with a network of over 1,000 experienced technology consultants globally. They increase the pace of innovation by using modern software engineering practices that embrace Continuous Delivery, Security, and Operability from the outset ➡️ • TransFICC provides low-latency connectivity, automated trading workflows and e-trading systems for Fixed Income and Derivatives. TransFICC resolves the issue of market fragmentation by providing banks and asset managers with a unified low-latency, robust and scalable API, which provides connectivity to multiple trading venues while supporting numerous complex workflows across asset classes such as Rates and Credit Bonds, Repos, Mortgage-Backed Securities and Interest Rate Swaps ➡️ • Tuple is a remote ensemble and pair programming app for macOS and Windows, designed to make you feel like you're collaborating in person. It’s got loads of developer-specific touches you just don’t see with generic screen-sharing tools. Check out Tuple HERE ➡️ • Honeycomb is the observability platform that enables engineering teams to find and solve problems they couldn’t before. Query everything at once, fast enough to keep your train of thought, and connect your whole system and your teams ➡️ • Visual Assist is a productivity extension for Visual Studio development work. It provides a set of intelligent refactoring, navigation, code highlighting and generation features for C, C++, and C# development. With its highly-efficient memory management, minimal UI and reliable performance, Visual Assist gives developers uninterrupted access to advanced features without slowing down the IDE. Find out more ➡️ • - • 👕 T-SHIRTS: • A fan of the T-shirts I wear in my videos? Grab your own, at reduced prices EXCLUSIVE TO CONTINUOUS DELIVERY FOLLOWERS! Get money off the already reasonably priced t-shirts! • 🔗 Check out their collection HERE: ➡️ • 🚨 DON'T FORGET TO USE THIS DISCOUNT CODE: ContinuousDelivery • - • BOOKS: • 📖 Dave’s NEW BOOK Modern Software Engineering is available as paperback, or kindle here ➡️ • and NOW as an AUDIOBOOK available on iTunes, Amazon and Audible. • 📖 The original, award-winning Continuous Delivery book by Dave Farley and Jez Humble ➡️ • 📖 Continuous Delivery Pipelines by Dave Farley • Paperback ➡️ • ebook version ➡️ • NOTE: If you click on one of the Amazon Affiliate links and buy the book, Continuous Delivery Ltd. will get a small fee for the recommendation with NO increase in cost to you. • - • 🔗 LINKS: • 🖇 How To Differentiate Junior and Senior Developers ➡️ • 🖇 What is the Difference Between a Junior and a Senior Developer? , Eric Elliott ➡️ / what-is-the-difference-between-a-junior-an... • 🖇 Hacker News: What is the difference between a junior and senior developer? ➡️ • 🖇 Extreme Programming values ➡️ • • #developer #softwareengineering #programming #software #coding