Jak urządzić kawalerkę 30m2 Małe mieszkanie w bloku Remont kawalerki przed i po

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How to arrange a 30m2 studio apartment. A small apartment in a block of flats. Is there a chance to design a small apartment well and practically. How to arrange a 30 m2 studio to be functional, interesting and pretty? In today's episode, I show you the entire course of arranging an apartment in a block of flats, a small studio apartment that I designed. • You will see photos from before and after renovation of this apartment. In this studio there is a place to eat, a place for a desk, a large bed, a corner and a coffee table. • You will see the functional design of this small apartment, how I arranged all the furniture, appliances and walls. • A small apartment in a block of flats is difficult to furnish, but as you can see, even on an area of ​​28.5 m2, you can live freely and comfortably. • See the metamorphosis of the apartment before and after renovation. On just 28.5 m2, we managed to gain functional zoning, convenience and practical patents for a small kitchen. See a simple idea for a modern arrangement of an apartment: a design of a modern kitchen with a dining table combined with the living room. • And in the next episode, he will sum up all the renovation costs of such a studio apartment. • If you want to read how to design a small apartment well, what mistakes not to make when furnishing a studio apartment, read the following articles. • The cost of renovating a small apartment: https://aranzacjawnetrz.com.pl/koszt-... • Errors in the arrangement of a small apartment https://aranzacjawnetrz.com.pl/7-bled... • How to arrange a small apartment https://aranzacjawnetrz.com.pl/jak-ur... • #studioapartmentrenovation #smallapartmentrenovation #apartmentinablockofflats #howtoarrangea30m2studio #apartmentrenovationbeforeandafter


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